Metaverse FAQ

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  • Where is the Metaverse?

    Where is the Metaverse?

    Published in

    The Metaverse, an intriguing and constantly evolving concept, stimulates our imagination towards extraordinary digital worlds. However, where can we actually find this digital dimension? Let’s start our journey to discover the potential dimensions of the Metaverse. Online Portals and Platforms The Metaverse presents itself through a series of online portals and platforms that act as…

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  • Who lives inside the Metaverse?

    Who lives inside the Metaverse?

    Published in

    The Metaverse, a fascinating and ever-growing digital universe, is not just a place for exploration and entertainment, but also an environment where individuals from around the world choose to settle, create, and connect. Let’s step into this digital reality to understand who the permanent residents of the Metaverse are and how this choice impacts their…

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  • Purpose and aim of the Metaverse?

    Purpose and aim of the Metaverse?

    Published in

    The Metaverse, a concept gaining increasing resonance in the digital era, embodies an experience that transcends normal interaction with the digital world. To fully appreciate its value, it is crucial to investigate the intentions and objectives that drive this expanding digital universe. Foundations and Purposes of the Metaverse At its core, the Metaverse aims to…

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  • Who is the inventor of the Metaverse?

    Who is the inventor of the Metaverse?

    Published in

    The concept of the Metaverse has rapidly captured the world’s attention, but attributing its invention to a single person is a challenging task. Indeed, the Metaverse is the result of collective evolution, emerging from the contributions of many pioneers and innovators over the years. Forecasts in Science Fiction Novels The origins of the Metaverse can…

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